Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How to Treat Hoof Infections Naturally

Everyone knows how important a hoof is to a horse---no hoof, no horse. Horses have used hooves in self-defense and to protect the soft, frog inside of the wall. But what if a hoof becomes so infected that your veterinarian suggests amputation? What do you do then?

 This same exact thing happened to a show horse in 2000. Even though the pastern and coronet band were swollen to the size of a cantaloupe, the owner did not decide to amputate, as the vet had suggested. Instead, he used essentials oils to relieve the swelling. It worked miracles.

Day 1:
 According to the Essential Oils Desk Reference, you should cleanse the wound with Thieves oil blend and helichrysum(a type a plant belonging to the daisy family), then bandage it. When this had been done to the show horse I have previously mentioned, the pain was alleviated enough for the horse to stand on the foot.

Day 2:
 By the next day, the swelling in the show horse's hoof had gone down by 50%. They(the owners) once more cleansed the wound with Thieves and helichrysum before filling it with Animal Scents Ointment.

Day 3-14
 For the next twelve days, the wound was cleansed morning and night with Thieves, Melrose, and helichrysum, then filled with Animal Scents Ointment.

 Today, the horse walks as well as it used to, displaying no discomfort. At first, the pastern was still slightly swollen, but it was healed completely in within eight months, and only a small scar remains on the pastern.

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